Cook, cat lady, and always reading, Ameya Nagarajan has four degrees but still can’t make her mind up about her career. She wrote a briefly popular blog about dating in Delhi; she set up the Indian Express podcast network; she used to commission books for Penguin India.
Ameya likes people, food, karaoke and long and rambly conversations about big things and little things. She speaks Spanish fluently and likes nothing more than to throw herself into learning a new language. Talking is her superpower, so it surprises exactly nobody that she’s made such a success of the Fat.So? podcast.
You can find her @ameyann on all social networks, though if you’re going to add her on Facebook please explain why. Ameya is co-authoring a whip-smart, eye-opening book with Pallavi Nath that goes beyond discussing fatphobia to interrogate society’s complicity in enabling this menace.