Books are our abiding love (in case the name of our agency didn’t give that away!). We love to help authors and artists find the right publisher or medium for their work.
If you are an author, we can help you build your story and grow an audience. We will help you find the right publisher and other platforms for your work.
Manuscript Submissions
Please see our submission guidelines so you can send us your work in a manner that will make the evaluation process simpler and easier. We will get in touch with you if your submission has been accepted and walk you through the steps of what will happen next.
You can email your work to
Are you an artist? If so, a link to your website or your work on any social media platform would suffice. Please do not send us heavy files.
Please give us four weeks to come back to you.
Submission Guidelines
Your proposal should include:
- A proposal note that offers a description of your book. Do include why you think it must be published.
- A sample of your writing (if you have written the book then please include at least three chapters).
- A brief bio of yours
- Your proposed readership
- Your proposal note should not exceed 2000 words. (Please note that this word count pertains to the proposal note alone and does not apply to the sample chapters)
- Please let us know if you have submitted your work to any publishing house or any other literary agent.